On April 4, 2024, the Asia Area of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints received a remarkable blessing with the calling of five new Area Seventies. Each of them brings a wealth of leadership experience, faith and dedication to his calling, strengthening the Church for its mission to help more people come unto Christ. They are not called to full-time service and typically serve for five years. Their duties include meeting and counseling with local Church leaders to help them fulfill their responsibilities. Calling these five new leaders will help ensure that the diverse needs of the Saints in Asia are met, fostering spiritual growth and unity across the region.

Elder Stephen W. Dyer, 57, China2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Elder Stephen W. Dyer, 57, China
Elder Dyer currently serves as district president of the Shanghai China International District (English). He has held roles as bishopric counselor, branch presidency counselor, branch president, and district presidency counselor. Reflecting on his spiritual journey, he said, "As a young missionary in Taiwan, I learned the joy of service in the Lord's kingdom. Over the years, my wife Tami and I have developed and shared a commitment to serve in any way the Lord requires." Elder Dyer also shared his testimony, noting, "Growing up in the Church, I still had to go through my own process of conversion. I have learned to love our Savior Jesus Christ and am grateful for His atonement, which brings me love and redemption. "

Elder Yew Mun Kwan, 55, Singapore2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Elder Yew Mun Kwan, 55, Singapore
Elder Kwan is a principal engineer at DSO National Laboratories. He currently serves as stake presidency counselor of the Singapore Stake and has previously been a bishop, high councilor, and mission presidency counselor. He said about his calling, "I joined the church at 20 years old, after meeting two wonderful missionaries who answered some of my questions about life. After finishing school, I served a mission in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Sri Lanka. The mission has transformed me." Elder Kwan expressed excitement about his new role, saying, "With this calling, my wife feels that the Lord is saying to us 'it is time for you to focus on what is most pertinent and essential and really matters.'"

Elder Wai Hung Mak, 62, Hong Kong2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Elder Wai Hung Mak, 62, Hong Kong
Elder Mak, the owner of Global Sales, currently serves as the ward mission leader of the Tai Wai Ward. He has served as a bishop, high councilor and stake president. "I met missionaries and knew Jesus Christ at 16, then was baptized at 17. It was a wonderful decision. It changed my life," said Elder Mak. He further shared, "When we received this new calling, my wife and I were surprised and excited, also worried about whether we would be able to do it." He reassured himself with the scripture from Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."

Elder Shih Ning (Steve) Yang, 59, Taiwan2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Elder Shih Ning (Steve) Yang, 59, Taiwan
Elder Yang is the current president of the Taiwan Taipei Mission. He has previously served as a bishopric counselor, branch president, mission presidency counselor, stake presidency counselor and stake president. "During my over 30 years of leadership experience, I have deeply experienced how the Lord's tender mercy has strengthened and guided me in my callings," shared Elder Yang. He expressed gratitude for the learning opportunities that leadership roles provide.

Elder Juswan Tandiman, 62,Indonesia2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Elder Juswan Tandiman, 62, Indonesia
Elder Tandiman, the Asia Area director for Seminaries and Institutes, is currently serving as patriarch of the Jakarta Indonesia Stake. He has served in various roles, including bishopric counselor, branch president, district presidency counselor, district president, high councilor and mission presidency counselor. Elder Tandiman mentioned his predecessors, saying, "I've seen a few Area Seventies before in Indonesia, and they're all my mentors. So I will always look up to them and remember how they impacted our lives. And I hope I can be able to just fill that."
Further updates on the new Area Seventies’ ministry are expected as they take on their new leadership roles.